Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Awkward office conversations with people who are so different from me it could be said that they live in another world

I was in the break room today when I saw a woman who hadn't been in to work for a couple of weeks. I asked her where she had been and she told me that her Mother had passed away.

Then she said something about how it's just a product of the way life works and that death is very much apart of life but I couldn't hear what she was saying over the running tap.

I turned it off and she looked at me expectantly, I tried to search my brain for a profound retort. Something philosophically poignant that would give comfort to a person in mourning.


I started, knowing it was too late to stop.

'At least it's a good day.'

I concluded by nodding profoundly.  Her eyes darted away as if she had just caught two lovers in the act.

She then changed the subject.

I've never thanked her for that.

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