Sunday, October 24, 2010

Broken promises and broken dreams

Well, it's been ten days without a post which means in just two weeks I've already failed to keep updating this thing regularly.

However, this is not a failure but a lesson.

I realised that the reason I have not been able to keep with the relatively tight updating time line isn't because I'm lazy but it is because of my writing process.

Basically when I get an idea for a blog I write it in what I like to call "A Word Document" which is an extremely popular writing program from Microsoft.

Microsoft Word was first released in 1993 for the Xinix computer system. Originally a stand alone product, Word soon became a incorporated to Macs, PCs and Atari ST.

I remember using Works but being embarrassed that I was not cool enough to be able to use Word. I actually  received a lot of  bigotry and prejudice because my family did not have Word. At school my assignments were graded poorly strictly on the basis that they were printed on Works. As a result I was at the bottom of what I like to call my "Class".

A class refers to a group of students that attend a specific lesson at an educational institution.

Now, I would write my article and then save it using one of Words many functions. It's pretty obvious I am no genius, so I what results from the first draft is usually of low quality (unless I'm the fucking ZONE) and I shape the work into readable material through subsequent rewrites.

So the first draft of the blog is in my computer and I tell myself "I will rewrite that a couple of times and then post it on the internet for all to see".

But, because I am constantly writing first drafts of stuff and rewriting other drafts of other things it gets lost in the pile of "To Do's" and I usually never get the time to flesh it out into something worthy of being blogged.

Plus there is a mirror next to my computer which draws in a lot of my attention.

What results in all this procrastination is my blog dying without being updated for ten whole days (that is an eternity in internet time).

However I have reached a philosophy that will save me.

From now on, I will work on my articles and rewrite them the usual way and when they are good enough I will post them on my website ( BUT for my blog posts, I will begin typing not in a word document but in the actual fucking field of the blog of which I'm typing right now.

Everything I write will be improvised, polished and submitted in first draft form. Just like this article right now, I had no idea I was going to say these things, I just wrote the title and began typing. Do you feel how fucking raw this shit is? Straight from my mind to your screen, like improvised telepathy.

So one promise has been broken and from it arises a new promise, just as Jesus brought forward the new covenant, in triumph I will ride into web Jerusalem on a cyber donkey and put forth my new promise:

I will post twice a week and every post will be from start to finish unplanned, improvised and unedited. It's like live T.V (in the sense that both things exist).

Who knows what will happen?

Doesn't matter actually, no one fucking reads this bullshit.


PS: Do they? 


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