Monday, November 8, 2010

My Credit Card Details

This might be a good title for an article that someone on the internet would actually read. If I constantly posted updates with my bank and credit card details instead of bland observational satire at least then I might accrue a loyal fan base amongst the fraudsters.

Moaning about the lack of readers of my stupid thoughts made me think of a thought so stupid only a genius could think of it.

If a billionaire publicly televised his credit card details to the entire world so that anyone watching could easily go on-line and buy shit using his bank account, would it be possible for him to come out of the entire event with a profit from advertising revenue?

He could promote a one off televised event and have two hours of television where he released the details of one of his platinum credit cars progressively throughout the program and since the content wouldn't have to contain any artistic merit it could be drenched to the brim with advertising from some of the world's biggest corporations.

The event would make television history!

Advertisers pay US2.6 million dollars for a thirty second spot during the Superbowl. Surely the limit to his credit card would be lower then the money gained from two hours of 2.6 million thirty second spots.

Even if he didn't end up making money it would still be a great publicity stunt for self promotion and would create multiple avenues for cash flow.

He could have cameras follow the entire experience and create a documentary film and the TV shows popularity would transfer to a cinematic success. He would also become a household name and therefore the sale of any autobiographies or products attached to his image would increase to the Nth degree.

He could also have website with details of the event which would attract viewers and increase his web based advertising revenue.

Fuck, why hasn't anyone done this? Famous billionaires are usually self promoting attention lovers anyway, I can't believe they haven't thought of this before.

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