Monday, November 29, 2010

Chopper Reid is a Pretentious Hypocrite

Chopper Reid has been on Australian television lately telling people not to commit crimes.

Thanks Chopper, why don't you write that little tip down and send it to yourself circa 1970 when you were convicted of armed robbery.

After watching the video above where a convicted felon tells me not to drink and drive I wanted to down a bottle of vodka and go drive through a school zone out of pure spite.

Regardless of what the advertisements tells you, it's wrong. A killer is not a killer. I don't want to condone drunk driving but there's a difference between doing something dumb which eventually causes a tragic accident and shooting someone in the head for money.

For one, I've never driven my car drunk, ran over an old lady and then woken up the next morning with ten thousand dollars in cash.

Chopper doesn't just speak out against drunk driving but also violence against women.

First of all, this advertisement blatantly boasts the fact that the Australian prison system is flawed enough to allow violent attack amongst inmates. How come the prison authorities are just letting the prisoners deal out justice to each when it comes to things like this? Do we not have control of our prisons or are our prisons so corrupt that they allow these attacks to happen because the guards and other inmates frown down upon certain crimes?

Why should people who have beaten up women get any worse treatment? Why is a woman beater worse than a person who beats men? Shouldn’t we all be equal? Isn’t that what feminists have been campaigning for? 

What about me? I am as skinny as any woman out there and I can’t fight for shit. Is Chopper Reid going to defend my honour by breaking the necks of my attackers once they are behind bars?

Probably not, because I doubt my attackers would be behind bars because our culture tolerates violence amongst men more than it does towards women. That's the true sexism, not that violence against women is heavily frowned upon but that violence against men is seen as a part of life.

A woman gets beaten up and there's twenty advertisements and group lobbying for change. I get beaten up and people call me a pussy for not swinging back. 

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