Monday, March 28, 2011

Snatching the cradle? Or reaching a bit too far into the back of the fridge?

A person who is dating someone far younger than them isn't a dirty sleaze bag preying on the innocence and nativity of younger mates, they're just a mindful consumer.

Dating a girl who is far younger than you is much like grabbing a carton of milk from the back of the fridge in the supermarket.

You're purposefully selecting a product with a longer use by date, what's the shame in that?

As you reach from behind the other cartons for the freshest of the batch, other shoppers around you may silently judge you for your unashamed disregard of consumer etiquette. Don't worry though, because who are they to judge? They're probably the type of people who carry around items until they realise they don't want them and then just put them back on an irrelevant shelf in a foreign aisle.

Next time you are at a supermarket (with or without your eighteen year old girlfriend) keep an eye out for randomly out of place items. More likely than not, those items have been placed there by people who had instantly abandoned them upon the realisation of the other items superiority.

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