Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Deterrent For Adultery

Say your in love with a woman and you decide to marry her and raise a family. The two of you wed and you have two children, a girl and a boy. Picture perfect right?


By all means.

Until you catch her with another man's cock in her mouth.

You're completely heart broken, you've never known such misery, your entire life crumbles and you lose your ability to believe.

Now, here's what you do...


Sorry, before I go on I will warn you that this is a fucked up thought. However, be aware that I am a sane and rational human being and I know it's a fucked up thought. When I have fucked up thoughts it doesn't scare me because at least I know these thoughts are fucked up and I would never act on them. It's only when you see your madness as warranted that you are truly insane.

To give you an example of some of my fucked up thoughts read the following:

I was at my sisters wedding recently and I was part of the bridal party. In the middle of the ceremony I looked around at 160  family and friends in this large beautiful church watching my gorgeous sister marry the man of her dreams, and I thought 'Wouldn't it be fucked up if I had brought a gun and as soon as she said "I Do" I walked over and blew my brains out over her wedding dress.'.

Now that thought is FUCKED UP.

But still, just imagine it!

It would turn what should be one of the greatest days of my sister's life into a terrible tragedy that would scar every witness forever. You would need grief counselling!

Okay, settle down obviously I didn't end up doing it (because I forgot the god-damn bullets!)


Fucked up thoughts like this are not to be denied but embraced curiously as a hypothetical.

Recently, I have  out done myself with sick thoughts so I decided to do what I always do when I have a fucked up thought. Post it on the internet!

Basically, if the woman/man of your dreams and mother/father of your children cheats on you and you want absolute revenge this is what you should do:

Simply kill both of your children, write 'This is all your fault (insert name of unfaithful lover here)!' with their blood and then kill yourself.

Now, there's people out there that think, c'mon dude why not just kill yourself? Isn't that enough?

No, because if you cheat on your partner and then your partner kills themselves you can just re-frame your grief by saying 'Well, their suicide was a selfish act. Far more selfish than adultery, so technically fuck him/her. They don't deserve my pity or grief if they are going to do something like that!'

This is where the children come into play (and believe me I know this works). Through the nature of causality the children are innocent victims of you're partner's adultery and the guilt of having the deaths of children on your head for the price of sexual gratification is far too much to handle emotionally. Hence, you gain the ultimate revenge of doing to your lover what they have done to you.

Okay, there you have it. The most fucked thought I've had in my life (that I'm willing to share).

However I think this could be used as a deterrent for adultery. Say you marry the man/woman of your dreams? Well, when you wed, calmly tell them that if they ever cheat on you then you will kill yourself and any and all children you have because that's how strong the grief of loosing them would be. When you consider it, it's almost romantic, you love your partner so much that you the very thought of losing them would incite you to exact revenge in the world's most sadistic guilt trip.

They might not believe you but I can guarantee they will certainly think twice about cheating on you.

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