Wednesday, December 1, 2010

If you love something, let it go.

Then, if it comes back to you it's yours and you can continually let it go from time to time whenever you feel the urge to fuck someone else.

You can just keep on letting it go knowing you own it forever and every time it returns you'll just lose more and more respect for it and you'll have no worries in treating it worse and worse.

After a while it will become obsessed with you through the constant rejection because it will naturally want what it can't have. It'll develop delusional fantasies that you are the only one for it and that it will be able to change you because it's the only one who truly loves you for who you are. Eventually you can just get in the habit of basically living a promiscuous single lifestyle, partying and fucking other people while sporadically coming back to throw it a bone so it won't starve.

After a while you should be able to have it waiting on you hand and foot while supporting you financially in a vain attempt to impress and care for you because by now it's lost all of it's self confidence and only sees itself through your eyes and will subsequently do anything for you're approval.

Then throughout your sexual prime you will be able to pursue your wildest dreams by fucking all types of different sexual partners knowing full well that you will never die alone or fail romantically because you will be able to fall back on the one person who truly loves you with all their heart (but only if you don't find anything better).

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